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Masters of Science Lectures

Lecture /
Topic Instructors
Lecture 1 Introduction and Historical Perspective 1 Murphy
Lecture 2 Historical Perspective 2 Murphy
Lecture 3 Historical Perspective 3/ Choice of Parental Germplasm Murphy
Lecture 4 Choice of Parental Germplasm / Plant Breeding Terminology and Symbols.
View Plant Breeding Terminology video from class.
Lecture 5 Follow that Allele / Multiple Loci.
View Allele video presented in class.
Homework 1 A clichéd an erratic play in 11 acts.
Lecture 6 Multiple Loci / Composition of an Open Pollinated Population. Murphy
Lecture 7 Linkage / Association Mapping Murphy/Mulkey
Lecture 8 Association Mapping / Inbreeding Mulkey/Murphy
Lecture 9 Inbreeding Murphy
Lecture 10 Introduction to Quantitative Genetics.
The Center Cannot Hold video from class.
Lecture 11 Introduction to Quantitative Genetics.
View the Average Effects video from class.
Lecture 12 Introduction to Quantitative Genetics.
Quantitative Genetic Issues — Additive and Dominance Variances video better viewed here.
Lecture 13 Variance Changes on Inbreeding
Changes in Genetic Variances in a Inbreeding Nursery Video better viewed here.
Homework 2 Bray – a clichéd ‘who-done-it’ involving romance and quantitative genetics.
Lecture 14 Epistasis Murphy
Lecture 15 Epistasis / Analysis of Variance Murphy/Dunne
Lecture 16 Analysis of Variance Dunne/Ma
Lecture 17 Analysis of Variance Ma
Lecture 18 Measuring Quantitative Variation Murphy
Lecture 19 Mating Designs and Diallel Analysis Murphy
Lecture 20 Heritability
The video shown in class, Heritability 1, is better viewed here.
Lecture 21 Heritability / Genotype X Environment Interaction Murphy
Lecture 22 Genotype X Environment Interaction Murphy
Lecture 23 Genotype X Environment Interaction / Pedigree Method Murphy
Lecture 24 Pedigree Method Murphy
Lecture 25 Backcross Breeding Method Isleib
Lecture 26 Single Seed Descent Method Murphy
Lecture 27 Doubled Haploid Method / Early Generation Testing Murphy
Lecture 28 Early Generation Testing / Mass Selection Method Murphy
Lecture 29 Linkage Mapping Holland
Lecture 30 QTL Mapping Holland
Lecture 31 Association Analysis / Marker Assisted Backcrossing Holland
Lecture 32 Marker Assisted Selection and Genomic Selection Holland
Lecture 33 Genomic Selection Ma
Lecture 34 Inbred line development and Hybrid Cultivar Production Sarinelli
Lecture 35 Inbred line development and Hybrid Cultivar Production Sarinelli
Lecture 36 Inbred line development and Hybrid Cultivar Production Sarinelli
Lecture 37 Mass Selection / Bulk Selection Murphy
Lecture 38 Bulk Selection / Recurrent Selection Murphy
Lecture 39 Recurrent Selection Murphy
Lecture 40 Discussion with cultivar developers Milla-Lewis, Fraser, Gilsinger