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The ornamental breeding program at NC State develops nursery and landscape plants that have contributed nearly $450 million in retail value and economic impact. These improved crops include ornamental shrubs, trees, and sweet potato vines.

Contact us about NC State butterfly bushes:

Contact us about NC State grasses:

Thomas Ranney

JC Raulston Distinguished Professor

Contact us about NC State hydrangeas:

Thomas Ranney

JC Raulston Distinguished Professor

Contact us about NC State ornamental sweetpotato vines:

Craig Yencho

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Contact us about NC State ornamental trees:

Thomas Ranney

JC Raulston Distinguished Professor

Contact us about NC State rhododendrons:

Thomas Ranney

JC Raulston Distinguished Professor

Contact us about other NC State shrubs:

Thomas Ranney

JC Raulston Distinguished Professor

Photo credits: Darwin Perennials, J.F. Schmidt, Plant Haven, Proven Winners, Spring Meadow Nursery, and Star Roses and Plants.