Wesley Hancock
Former Crop Science - PhD
- Degree Program: Ph.D., Crop Science
- Previous Degrees: M.S., Crop Science, North Carolina State University; B.S., Plant and Soil Science, North Carolina State University
- PhD Advisor: Dr. Thomas Isleib
- Dissertation: Improving Resistance to Multiple Diseases in Peanut Using Traditional and Molecular Breeding Methods.
- Dissertation Date: 2018-03-30
- Thesis: Interspecific Hybridization in Nicotiana: Various Roles in a Modern Applied Tobacco Breeding Program.
- Thesis Date: 2015-02-02
1) Detailed investigation of Sclerotinia blight resistance in the virginia peanut market-type, 2) Identification of genome-wide DNA markers associated with yield, grade factors, disease resistances, and flavor in a set of elite, extensively tested NCSU peanut breeding lines, and 3) Evaluating resistance to multiple diseases in an Arachis hypogaea × A. diogoi interspecifc hybrid derived population.