Paul Ruddle

Former Graduate

  • Degree Program: M.S., Crop Science
  • Previous Degree: B.S., Applied Biotechnology, B.S.A., Biological Sciences, University of Georgia
  • Advisor: Dr. Lilian Miranda
  • Completion Date: May 2013


My project objectives are to identify loci responsible for variation in stearic acid content in soybean and to evaluate the effects of these loci on agronomic characteristics such as germination, field emergence, total oil, fatty acid composition, yield, and others. Combinations of high stearic acid loci and high oleic acid loci will also be evaluated for fatty acid content. The goal is to developing a high-yielding, high-stearic acid cultivar that would provide a valuable oil for solid fat end uses.

Paul completed the M.S. degree in plant breeding and is currently working on a M.S. in Analytics in the Institute for Advanced Analytics at NCSU and will graduate in May 2014.

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