Justin Ma
Former Crop Science - PhD
- Degree Program: Ph.D., Crop Science
- Previous Degree: B.Sc.(Honours), Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada; M.S., Crop Sciences, University of Illinois; M.S., Analytics, North Carolina State University
- Advisor: Dr. Ramsey Lewis
- Dissertation: The Fine Mapping of Two Black Shank Resistance Loci and Identification of a Hybrid Lethality Gene in Tobacco.
- Dissertation Date: 2017-01-05
My research projects include: 1) Evaluation of QTL in N. tabacum conferring resistance to black shank. I am evaluating the effect of two QTLs in different backgrounds on disease resistance, yield, and quality. I am also determining if the genes conferring resistance are the same as those involved in the production of two leaf surface chemicals. 2) Identification of the gene conferring interspecific lethality between N. tabacum and N. africana (H-factor) using a transposon-tagging system. 3) Anther culture as a novel source of variation. Previous research at NC State in the 80’s determined anther culture could produce phenotypic and cytogenetic variation, including increased resistance to black shank. New knowledge and work in other species suggests underlying epigenetic changes are involved, including demethylation, transposon-activation and small RNA production