Jessica Brown
Former Crop Science - MS
- Degree Program: M.S., Crop Science
- Previous Degrees: B.S. Genetics and B.S. Plant Biology, University of Georgia
- Advisor: Dr. Susana Milla-Lewis
- Thesis: Improving Selection Methods for Development of Freeze-Tolerant Zoysiagrass Cultivars.
- Thesis Date: 2019-12-18
My project is focused on improving selection methods for the development of freeze-tolerant Zoysiagrass cultivars. I am conducting controlled freeze trials to study the mechanisms that control freeze tolerance, as well as identifying markers linked to the genes controlling freeze tolerance for use in a marker-assisted selection program, and investigating the proteomic response to cold acclimation. Ultimately, our goal is to be able to apply our findings into other species of grasses, as well as to develop Zoysia germplasm with improved cold tolerance, which would allow expansion of Zoysia cultivars into markets north of the transition zone.