Jennifer Kimball

Former Graduate

  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Crop Science
  • Previous Degrees: B.A., Biology, Ithaca College; M.S., Crop Science, Plant Breeding, N.C. State University
  • Advisor: Dr. Susana Milla-Lewis
  • Completion Date: May 2015


My research focuses on improving cold tolerance in St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum [Walt.] Kuntze). The objectives of my research are to 1) Evaluate the inheritance of cold tolerance and related traits in St. Augustinegrass; 2) Develop an efficient screening methodology for freezing tolerance in an environmentally-controlled setting; and 3) Construct a linkage map using a pseudo-F2 testcross strategy for a population segregating for cold hardiness to detect QTLs associated with traits collected in both field and controlled environments.

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