Gregory Albert

Former Graduate

  • Degree Program: MSC Forestry
  • Past Degrees: B.S., Environmental Science Ecosystems, Binghamton University
  • Advisor: Dr. Steve McKeand
  • Completion Date: December 2014


Determine the difference in belowground carbon storage capacity of two geographically distinct provenances of loblolly pine on an excessively drained site. The Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) provenance and Lost Pines Texas (LPT) provenance, which represent the northeast and southwest extent of loblolly pines native range are in their 19th growing season at SETRES-2 research site in Scotland County North Carolina in split-split experimental design; with nutrition (optimally-fertilized and non-fertilized) as the main plot, genetic provenance (ACP and LPT) as split-split plots, and family (five open-pollinated families per provenance) split-split plots within provenance. Estimates for carbon storage will be attained by measuring soil CO2 flux, soil water percolate flux, root growth (using soil cores, and glass wall technique), and growth traits. These results may give insight into how these geographically distinct provenances may respond to changes in climate and soil type.

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