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NC 1226

Flue-cured tobacco

A mid- to late-maturing tobacco variety with better agronomic performance than K326 and superior black shank resistance to K346.


  • Maturity: Medium to late

Disease Resistance

  • Black shank, race 0: very high
  • Black shank, race 1: high
  • Tobacco mosaic virus: susceptible
  • Granville wilt: low
  • Root-knot nematode: resistant
  • Potato virus Y: susceptible

Cultivar Development

NC 1226 is a cytoplasmic male sterile (Cms) F1 hybrid produced by pollinating Cms parental inbred line NC8640 with pollen of male parental line NC925. NC925 was developed by pedigree selection and has the pedigree DH03B-45-47/K346//K346

How to Get NC 1226

Seed for research and breeding purposes are available from the breeder:
Dr. Ramsey Lewis (

Acquiring seed will require a Materials Transfer Agreement between NC State and the interested party. NC State will consider proposals for non-exclusive seed production and marketing license agreements from tobacco seed companies interested in handling NC 1226.