Covington is currently the major table stock cultivar in NC, shapes are generally blocky, yield is high with a good packout of No.1 sized roots. Roots need a long pre-sprout for optimal bedding plant production. Roots will be short when planted in cool soils. Holds up well to packing and shipping. One of the best for handling wet harvest conditions. Moist, smooth and sweet when baked.
Skin color: Light rose skin; fades in storage
Flesh color: Orange
Disease resistance
- Fusarium wilt: Resistant
- Streptomyces soil rot: Resistant
- Southern root knot nematode: Resistant
- Guava root knot nematode: Susceptible
NC State University release, 2005
Reference: HORTSCIENCE 43(6):1911–1914. 2008.
US Plant Patent: US PP18,516