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Pentaploid (5X Southern Highbush) Hybrid Blueberry

Heintooga is a mid- to late-season Southern Highbush blueberry variety that produces sweet, aromatic fruit with good post-harvest shelf-life. Best results if cross-pollinated by rabbiteye blueberry cultivars.

Key Characteristics

  • Pollinizer: required
  • Mid- to late-season
  • Growth: semi-upright, moderately vigorous
  • Firmness: moderate to good
  • Berry Size: medium to large
  • Flavor: sweet and aromatic
  • Chill Requirements: 800 – 1,000 hours
  • Good post-harvest shelf-life

Disease Resistance

  • Susceptible to Phytophthora root rot (establish in well-drained soils)
  • Susceptible to blueberry red ringspot virus (only buy plants tested free of this virus)
  • Neither blueberry stem canker nor blueberry stem blight were observed at time of release, but are not presumed to be resistant to either of these fungal diseases.

Cultivar Development

Released in 2015 by James Ballington (NC State). Heintooga was tested as NC2701 and resulted from a cross between Bluechip and NC1827.

How to get Heintooga