Jeremy Machacek

Research Asst

  • Degree Program: M.S., Crop Science
  • Previous Degree: B.S., Horticultural Science, NC State University
  • Advisors: Dr. Thomas Carter and Dr. Chris Reberg-Horton
  • Completion Date: Spring 2016


Developing new soy cultivars for improved weed control in a novel ultra-narrow row spacing production system. Weed management in organic soybean production is a major limiting production challenge. The goal is to develop breeding methods and novel soybean lines to increase the competitive ability of soybeans related to weed management. My project will have strong discipline overlapping, with collaborations from weed science, plant physiology, and crop production specialists. Phenotypic data will be analyzed using leaf area meters, light interception meters, pixel analyzing image software, and progressive visual ratings of plant growth. Objectives are: 1) Screen soybean cultivars for weed suppression ability for use as breeding material. 2) Determine the rate of canopy closer to shade out weeds, by increasing plant density through narrow row spacing. 3) Screen soybean genotypes, evaluate soybean lines more resistant to lodging under high plant density. Project outline: (a) conduct a canopy cover study to determine the time rate of canopy closer in narrow row spacing. (b) identify soybean genotypes more tolerant to lodging in high plant populations in narrow row spacing. (c) identify vigor traits, for example, faster rate of emergence, larger unifoliates, and rapid plant growth. (d) determine parent material for a weed suppression soybean breeding program.

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