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Graduate Funding and Support

Potential Sources of Funding

Funds for both M.S. and Ph.D. graduate studies in plant breeding are available from individual faculty in Crops Science, Horticultural Science, Plant Pathology, and Forestry and Environmental Resources Departments.  There are a number of sources for these funds including competitive grants from public sources, grants from commodity groups and associations, and grants from private breeding companies.  

These fellowships pay a 12-month stipend, tuition, fees, and health benefits. In addition, there may be opportunities to participate in internship or guest scholar programs with major breeding companies.

Half-time research assistantships are also available for M.S. and Ph.D. students in the departments listed above.

Applications for Admission

Applications for admission into plant breeding graduate training can be made through the following contacts:

Applications for students seeking funds administrated by the NC State Plant Breeding Consortium will also be directed, Dr. Carlos Iglesias (, Director of Plant Breeding Consortium.