Frieda Sanders

Research Technician-Nonexempt

  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Crop Science (Plant Breeding)
  • Previous Degrees: B.S., Plant and Soil Sciences/Horticulture; Tuskegee University; Tuskegee, AL; M.S., Plant Genomics/Genetics, Tuskegee University; Tuskegee, AL
  • Advisor: Dr. Andrea Cardinal
  • Completion Date: July 2014


My project is to determine the natural allelic diversity of soybean to discover new genes beyond FAD2 genes that increase oleic acid content. The specific objectives of this research project are: 1) Detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) that enhance oleic acid content in diverse soybean populations, 2) Precisely identify the genomic locations of QTL by performing association analysis in a genetically diverse panel of PIs, 3) Locate QTL on the soybean genome and establish a list of new candidate genes to investigate in the future.